Larry D. Olson - Sugar Land

111 Gillingham Lane, SUGAR LAND, TX, 77478 - 0000, USA

Larry D. Olson Overview

According to public records Larry D. Olson is connected with one company - KENT ELECTRONICS CORPORATION . This person is appointed in KENT ELECTRONICS CORPORATION as a President. This company was incorporated about twenty-seven years ago in December of 1996 in Sugar Land. The company is listed as Merged in Indiana companies records.

Address for Larry D. Olson

111 Gillingham Lane
77478 - 0000

Companies for Larry D. Olson

Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
KENT ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONPresident1111 Gillingham Lane, SUGAR LAND, TX, 77478 - 2015, USA1996-12-18Merged