Brian J Knez

27 Boylston St, CHESTNUT HILL, MA, 02467 - 0000, USA

Brian J Knez Overview

According to public records Brian J Knez is connected with one company - NATIONAL EDUCATION CENTERS, INC. . This person is appointed in NATIONAL EDUCATION CENTERS, INC. as a President. This company was incorporated about twenty-eight years ago in January of 1996 in Newton. The company is listed as Withdrawn in Indiana companies records.

Address for Brian J Knez

27 Boylston St
02467 - 0000

Companies for Brian J Knez

Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
NATIONAL EDUCATION CENTERS, INC.President27 Boylston St, CHESTNUT HILL, MA, 02467, USA1996-01-23Withdrawn