Carter Hofmeister - Indianapolis

3809 E 82ND ST., INDIANAPOLIS, IN, 46240, USA

Carter Hofmeister Overview

According to public records Carter Hofmeister is connected with one company - HOFMEISTER'S PERSONAL JEWELERS INC . This person is appointed in HOFMEISTER'S PERSONAL JEWELERS INC as a President. This company was incorporated about fourty-six years ago in May of 1978 in Indianapolis. The company is listed as Active in Indiana companies records.

Address for Carter Hofmeister

3809 E 82ND ST.

Companies for Carter Hofmeister

Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
HOFMEISTER'S PERSONAL JEWELERS INCPresident3809 E. 82nd St., INDIANAPOLIS, IN, 46240, USA1978-05-23Active