Chi Huei Hsieh - Indianapolis

1632 East Kelly Street, , Indianapolis, IN, 46203 - , USA

Chi Huei Hsieh Overview

According to public records Chi Huei Hsieh is connected with two companies . This person is appointed in one company as a Incorporator and one company as a agent. Companies were opened in range. Most recent company was formed fifteen years ago in January of 2009 in Indianapolis, Indiana. All of the companies are inactive.

Connections for Chi Huei Hsieh


Address for Chi Huei Hsieh

1632 East Kelly Street

46203 -

Companies for Chi Huei Hsieh

Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
NAISA CAFE INC.Incorporator1025 VIRGINIA AVE, INDIANAPOLIS, IN, 46203, USA2009-01-13Admin Dissolved
NAISA CAFE INC.Agent1025 VIRGINIA AVE, INDIANAPOLIS, IN, 46203, USA2009-01-13Admin Dissolved