Dan Lewis - Highland

8020 Kennedy Avenue, , Highland, IN, 46322 - , USA

Dan Lewis Overview

According to public records Dan Lewis is connected with two companies . This person is appointed in one company as a Incorporator and one company as a agent. Companies were opened in range. Most recent company was formed sixteen years ago in February of 2008 in Highland, Indiana. All of the companies are inactive.

Connections for Dan Lewis

Dan LewisPresidentHGI GLASS, INC.Admin Dissolved

Address for Dan Lewis

8020 Kennedy Avenue

46322 -

Companies for Dan Lewis

Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
HGI GLASS, INC.Incorporator8020 Kennedy Avenue, Highland, IN, 46322, USA2008-02-08Admin Dissolved
HGI GLASS, INC.Agent8020 Kennedy Avenue, Highland, IN, 46322, USA2008-02-08Admin Dissolved