Gregory P Fuccillo - Wabash

296 Sheridan Dr, WABASH, IN, 46992, USA

Gregory P Fuccillo Overview

According to public records Gregory P Fuccillo is connected with one company - F & A SCREEN PRINTING, INC. . This person is appointed in F & A SCREEN PRINTING, INC. as a Incorporator. This company was incorporated about thirty-five years ago in February of 1989 in Revere. The company is listed as Admin Dissolved in Indiana companies records.

Connections for Gregory P Fuccillo

Gregory P FuccilloAgentF & A SCREEN PRINTING, INC.Admin Dissolved
Gregory P FuccilloAgentF & A SCREEN PRINTING, INC.Admin Dissolved

Address for Gregory P Fuccillo

296 Sheridan Dr

Companies for Gregory P Fuccillo

Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
F & A SCREEN PRINTING, INC.Incorporator191 Revere St., REVERE, MA, 02151, USA1989-02-14Admin Dissolved