Michael R. Kramer - Plymouth

3905 Annapolis Ln. N., Plymouth, MN, 55447, USA

Michael R. Kramer Overview

According to public records Michael R. Kramer is connected with one company - MEDTRONIC ATS MEDICAL, INC. . This person is appointed in MEDTRONIC ATS MEDICAL, INC. as a Treasurer. This company was incorporated about eighteen years ago in January of 2006 in Plymouth. The company is listed as Withdrawn in Indiana companies records.

Address for Michael R. Kramer

3905 Annapolis Ln. N.

Companies for Michael R. Kramer

Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
MEDTRONIC ATS MEDICAL, INC.Treasurer3905 ANNAPOLIS LN N, STE 105, PLYMOUTH, MN, 55447, USA2006-01-26Withdrawn