Nathaniel Wesco - Mishawaka

11825 Penn Rd., Mishawaka, IN, 46544, USA

Nathaniel Wesco Overview

According to public records Nathaniel Wesco is connected with one company - FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH OF SOUTH BEND, INC. . This person is appointed in FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH OF SOUTH BEND, INC. as a Secretary. This company was incorporated about seventy years ago in June of 1953 in South Bend. The company is listed as Active in Indiana companies records.

Address for Nathaniel Wesco

11825 Penn Rd.

Companies for Nathaniel Wesco

Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH OF SOUTH BEND, INC.Secretary4849 Ford St., South Bend, IN, 46619, USA1953-06-11Active