Philip J. Szabla

1300 Boylston St., CHESTNUT HILL, MA, 02167 - 0000, USA

Philip J. Szabla Overview

According to public records Philip J. Szabla is connected with one company - GENERAL CINEMA CORP. OF GREENWOOD . This person is appointed in GENERAL CINEMA CORP. OF GREENWOOD as a Incorporator. This company was incorporated about twenty-five years ago in May of 1998 in Brookline. The company is listed as Merged in Indiana companies records.

Connections for Philip J. Szabla

Address for Philip J. Szabla

1300 Boylston St.
02167 - 0000

Companies for Philip J. Szabla

Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
GENERAL CINEMA CORP. OF GREENWOODIncorporator1280 Boylston St., CHESTNUT HILL, MA, 02167, USA1998-05-27Merged