Stephen P Stanczak - Oak Brook

3003 Butterfield, OAK BROOK, IL, 60521, USA

Stephen P Stanczak Overview

According to public records Stephen P Stanczak is connected with one company - WMI URBAN SERVICES, INC. . This person is appointed in WMI URBAN SERVICES, INC. as a Secretary. This company was incorporated about thirty-five years ago in October of 1988 in Oak Brook. The company is listed as Withdrawn in Indiana companies records.

Connections for Stephen P Stanczak

Address for Stephen P Stanczak

3003 Butterfield

Companies for Stephen P Stanczak

Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
WMI URBAN SERVICES, INC.Secretary3003 BUTTERFIELD ROAD, OAK BROOK, IL, 60521, USA1988-10-17Withdrawn