Wayne A. Kotulic - Cicero

18 Forest Bay Lane, CICERO, IN, 46034, USA

Wayne A. Kotulic Overview

According to public records Wayne A. Kotulic is connected with three companies . This person is appointed in one company as a Secretary and two companies as a President. Companies were opened in one year and ten months range. Most recent company was formed thirty years ago in January of 1994 in Cicero, Indiana. One of these companies is active and the remaing two are inactive.

Address for Wayne A. Kotulic

18 Forest Bay Lane

Companies for Wayne A. Kotulic

Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
WAYNE A. KOTULIC, INC.Secretary18 Forest Bay Lane, CICERO, IN, 46034, USA1992-02-18Admin Dissolved
WAYNE A. KOTULIC, INC.President18 Forest Bay Lane, CICERO, IN, 46034, USA1992-02-18Admin Dissolved
TEXON II, INC.President18 FOREST BAY LN, CICERO, IN, 46034, USA1994-01-14Active